DATE: 18/06/2019

                                    II Timothy 3:16
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"

                                                         Psalm 1:2
But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

The cardinal points means the main (speed) point. In Christianity there are points but the main and essential points to consider for an heavenly minded Christian who desire to be rewarded in eternal  rest are linked with the four cardinal punt on the compass.
           Moreover, as the compass cannot o without the four cardinal points, Christianity is void without the four cardinal points of Christianity

A.    THE WORD; BIBLE: (Psalms 119:105)
The Bible is a book but contains the printed word of God. Bible is a spiritual inspired points ( IITim 3:16) profitable for user, carries prophesy (Isa 9:6) wherewith men can cleanse his way, sinning not against God  (Psalm 119:9,11), an receive liberation an light to our  path ( Psalm 119: 105)

Place of the WORD is True Christianity
-          Bible should take the No 1. Place in my life Ps 138:2b,  Job 33:12
-          Guide and conduct manual for Christian’s life Psalm 19:7-10
-          Reference point and page of Christianity Psalms 119:116, 89

THE 4 (four approach to the WORD; BIBLE
-          Read the word of God Regularly Rev 1:3
-          Stud y the WORD of God II Tim 2:15
-          Meditate on the Word Josh 1:8
-          Memorize Psalm 119:11

Prayer means communicating with the heavenly father. According  to the Oxford dictionary Network is a closely connected communication that exchange information. It implies to PRAYER. Is a closely communication between Man an God to exchange information.

 Importance of Prayer
-          Prayer is a medium of discuss with our divine father
-          Prayer build intimate relationship between man an God
-          Prayer is a mean of helping our spiritual man to grow
-          Prayer is a spiritual weapon

Ingredients of a Good Prayer
-          Persistency Lk 18:1-8
-          Humility Lk 18:9-14
-          Faith Mk 11:24, Heb 11:6
-          Forgiveness Mk 11:25-26
-          Privacy Matt 6:5-6
-          Repetition Matt 6:7-8
-          Saying Matt 26:39, 42, 44
-          confession

C.   FELLOWSHIP (Acts 2:46):
Fellowship is a feeling of friendship between people who do things together or share an interest.         (Acts 2:42, Psalm 133:1, Heb 13:1). Fellowship makes the Christianity a meaningful arena to              witness God’s kingdom alive.

Fellowship in the Church Means
-          Sharing all things Acts 2:32, 44, 45
-          Laying down live Rom 16:3,4
-          Sharing in suffering Phil 4:14
-          Devoted to serving the brethren I cor 16:5
-          Practicing hospitality III John 5
-          Being a channel of supply ot others in need II Cor 8:14

Obstacles to Christian Fellowship
          A    Man made Obstacles
-          Tribal difference
-          Class difference
-          Sex difference

          B.  Spiritual Obstacles
-          Unequally yoked
-          Sin I Cor 6:15-20
-          Ignorance Psalm 119:130
-          Lack of love, greediness, selfishness Romans 5:5-8
         Fellowship means commitment to one another, walking in the light, and is based on “Agape” and Christ –Centered ( I John 1:3, Rom 12:1). God is faithful, by whom you are called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. (I Cor1:9)

         Evangelism means proclaiming Jesus Christ and witnessing Him to the world. Evangelism in other word is called GOSPEL meaning GOOD NEWS which involve Jesus Christ (Life, death and resurrection and the heavenly and eternal kingdom of God

              Motive of Evangelizing
-          To show personal love towards obeying God’s commandment John 14:35, Mark 16:15, Matt 28:19-20
-          To win soul to the kingdom of God Prov 11:30
-          To bear fruit for God John 15:16
-          To receive a reward for righteousness John 4:36-38
Evangelism is not limited to Evangelism Unit alonebut to be carried out by every Christian (Old & new) Luke 8:37-39. Quit from the deviant orientation that only the ministers are to proclaim the goo news!  II Tim 4:5
            WHAT IF YOU DON’T
-          Denied of Accessing Heaven Luke 9:25
-          Request of blood Eze 3:17-21
“for though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; woe unto me if I preach not the gospel

Christian, it is a must for us to be persistent in acting the discussed four cardinal point of Christianity to grow spiritually and be mutually registered into  God’s eternal Kingdom


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